We will need to revive the proscription list — not with regard to the State, but with regard to the Nation.
Day: December 30, 2024
America is in a de facto state of war with India.
America is a nation.
America is a European nation.
America is a White nation.
Non-Whites are not American.
Non-Whites cannot be American.
Non-Whites present on American soil are guests — at best.
Guests can be told to leave.
Guests that do not leave are trespassers.

I speak for the White men who are being dispossessed in the civilizations their forefathers built and the lands their forefathers conquered. I have no interest in speaking for anyone else.
What is being done to the American nation meets the international law definition of genocide.
If you are a Christian abroad in a hostile land, I will do whatever is within my power to support you where you stand, but, if, instead of remaining in your homeland, you come to my lands and steal from my people, then you are no Christian, but an enemy to be destroyed.
We have nothing to discuss with the other side on this issue. This is a war and they are enemies. Give them no quarter.
If someone says he is going to rape your wife and daughter and murder your sons, you don’t discuss it with him.
This is about ‘immigration’.
To any pastors contemplating inserting themselves into the jihad against Stone Choir:
Consider long and hard that God called you, if indeed your call is real, to your congregation and it is for those souls that you will answer. I can promise you: You will gain them and yourself nothing by choosing unwisely.
Countries fundamentally do not exist — they are legal fictions; nations fundamentally do exist — they are blood-and-soil realities.