In a court of law, before a jury of honest men, not a single one of the men put on trial at Nuremberg could have been convicted under present US law.
Day: December 11, 2024
The most fundamental problem with the ‘Holocaust’ is not that it is a matter of debated history, for men can in good conscience disagree on such things; rather, it is that belief in the Holocaust is a tenet of a religious faith — the New Global Religion —, and so it is a matter of idolatry, not mere historical trivia.
I feel that, of all the things we discuss about the ‘Holocaust’, we truly do not give enough attention to the fact that the Jewish fable has them being eradicated with a pesticide.
What a magnificent psychological own goal.
If the number of shoes amassed in a single location is proof of genocide, then I have dated some women with some serious skeletons in their closets.
The modern, Liberal, Capitalist, Democratic West is now worse than Weimar, and so the reaction will necessarily be stronger than what came before.
Honestly, I think the more time a man has spent around Jews, the less likely he is to believe a single word of the ‘Holocaust’ narrative — Jewish lies are of a very particular and very noticeable type: ‘Oy vey, I was murdered today at Starbucks — the barista gave me two pumps of caramel instead of three!’
A reminder: Jews have never been considered trustworthy witnesses in Christian courts.
(This is about the ‘Holocaust’.)
Every man using the term ‘ethnic/racial vainglory’ is living in high-handed, impenitent sin — it is a rejection, denigration, and violation of the Fourth Commandment, and many other injunctions in Scripture.
Men who employ that term and do not repent have neither promise nor hope of salvation.
Virtually every German who died in WWII is in Paradise; every Jew that died during WWII is in Hell.
To raise your hand against your master is (petty) treason.
To raise your hand against your sovereign is (high) treason.
To raise your hand against the Lord God Almighty is (eternal) treason.
The rightful punishment for petty and high treason is death; the rightful punishment for eternal treason is eternal death.
The Jewish people — as a race — are guilty of eternal treason for their rejection of Christ in Pilate’s courtyard and the curse they called down upon themselves and their children after them. This is why to become a Christian, a Jew must repent of being a Jew.