
To the pastors who — manifestly — have some reading comprehension issues:

Go through Scripture and read every passage where “Israel” is paired with a singular verb.

When you are done, get back to me and we can have a more serious discussion of the existence and nature of race.


The enemies and adversaries say that I bring opprobrium upon the faith because I am hated by the world; I know that they bring opprobrium upon the faith and offense to the faithful because they are loved by the world and loathed by all Christian men.


The Haitian ‘missionaries’ were martyrs, but not for Christ; they lived for the world religion — known by many names (e.g., Globalism, Marxism, Egalitarianism) — and they died servicing it.


In these latter days, as both our world and those who inhabit it grow old and corruption is everywhere apparent, we must settle for those leaders as we may have, for, unless God raises up men greater and more capable than we, then we are all that is available, all that is left — no one is coming to save us.

We must fight the good fight, come what may.