Antisemitism and intelligence are highly correlated.
Day: May 22, 2024
This also applies to countries.
Black neighborhoods are unsafe because they are black neighborhoods.
White neighborhoods are safe because they are White neighborhoods.
Moving blacks into White neighborhoods makes them unsafe.
The idea that a neighborhood in itself is safe or unsafe is completely ludicrous.
According to His human nature, Christ loves His mother Mary more than He loves you.
The problem with marijuana is that it lowers IQ; the bigger problem with marijuana is that it does not simultaneously render its user mute.
This is the correct frame: If someone signals or appeals to having non-White children, ask him where and why he stole them or how much he paid for them.
The ongoing great apostasy (whether typical or final) is primarily a function of whether or not one can correctly define “nation” — Christians can, apostates cannot.
The family is the smallest subset of the nation; the nation is the largest superset of the family.
White parents who ‘adopt’ black children would be more commendable if they were simply purchasing slaves, instead of stealing children and using them simultaneously as props and sources of grift.