Maybe closing the mental institutions wasn’t such a great plan.
Day: December 12, 2020
Allow me, as an attorney, to explain how standing works in the US:
It doesn’t.
The US education system is a dumpster fire, only without the warmth or illumination.
A doctorate obtained in a country where the overwhelming majority of universities are a combination of degree mill, re-education camp, and playground means rather little.
If you intend to swim the Tiber or the Bosphorus, I would be remiss if I did it wish you good luck — in this case, however, that would mean drowning in the attempt.
If you support abortion, I have zero interest in anything else you have to say about morality.
If you call what is happening in the US “Fascism”, then you fell for the propaganda.
Proposition: God is infinite.
Conclusion (Lutheran): ‘Clearly, there will be things about God we cannot grasp.’
Conclusion (Reformed): ‘Obviously we can subject God to human reason.’
Lutherans: ‘Submit to the Word of God.’
Roman Catholics: ‘Submit to Rome.’
Eastern Orthodox: ‘Submit to wololo.’
Welcome to Rome, where the heresy is open and notorious and all those (Roman Catholics) who follow the Harlot will one day answer to God.