A husband who cheats may never do so again; a wife who cheats will always do so again.
Men and women are not psychologically interchangeable, particularly when it comes to sexual matters.
A husband who cheats may never do so again; a wife who cheats will always do so again.
Men and women are not psychologically interchangeable, particularly when it comes to sexual matters.
Cryptocurrency is a great way to bamboozle people into believing that math problems are actually legal tender.
I actually like the Tischreden (both Luther’s and Hitler’s) and the supposed ‘Goebbels’ diaries’, because they are a most useful IFF.
Martin Luther is the patron saint of Nationalism.
Baptists: ‘We lose down here.’
Magisterial Protestants: ‘Someone will.’
Historically and traditionally, one of the main points of science fiction has been exploring the interaction of human society and technology, often with an emphasis on what we should not do. Unfortunately, most moderns have taken science fiction as a roadmap for what we should do.
Individualism is what brought us here. Collectivism is the only way out. Baptist theology is inherently and inextricably individualist.
I am convinced many (perhaps even most) Baptists actually want to lose — losing ‘vindicates’ their false beliefs with regard to Christianity and politics.
A non-trivial percentage of those who eat döner kebab have (unwittingly) engaged in cannibalism.
This is not an invitation to debate — it is a statement of fact. If you do not baptize your children, then you deny that your children are part of a Christian nation, which means you cannot be a Christian Nationalist.