The existence of Mormons is incredibly depressing.
Debates like ‘consecrationist’ versus ‘receptionist’ are just one example of why pastors need to include a knowledgeable layman in their inner circles — to look at them like they have three heads when they get too serious about peripheral nonsense.
Neo-Darwinian Evolution is the belief that, if you stir the soup long enough, it will eventually become a chicken again.
Q: How is one saved?
Lutherans: ‘By grace through faith.’
RC: ‘Penance, purgatory, faith.’
Baptists: ‘Believing hard enough.’
EO: ‘Fighting sky demons for your soul.’
God: ‘Don’t eat from the Tree.’
Satan: ‘Did God *really* say…’
Scripture: ‘Baptism saves.’
Baptists: ‘Does Scripture *really* say…’
Libertarianism is (still) sinful.
Hell is full of people who used to claim they didn’t believe in Hell.
I honestly don’t see how Baptists think they will convince others to take Scripture seriously when they themselves ignore the clear meaning of centrally important passages.
Baptists (after several centuries of attacking and tearing down the Church):
‘Why are so many people leaving Christianity?’
Neo-Darwinian Evolution is one of the worst — and most ridiculous — evils ever to befall man.