I do not care how uncomfortable the truth makes you. I do not care how inconvenient stating the truth is for me.
All truth is one — to deny any truth is to deny all truth, is to deny God.
I do not care how uncomfortable the truth makes you. I do not care how inconvenient stating the truth is for me.
All truth is one — to deny any truth is to deny all truth, is to deny God.
Satan will yet destroy the American (and larger Western) Church using, as two of his primary tools, race and slavery, and many supposed Christians are aiding him in his efforts.
The Israelites conquered surrounding nations and enslaved them — literal ethnically based chattel slavery.
To my detractors: It is a readily verifiable fact that I read Scripture every single day. If you are going to contend that I am wrong on a point of doctrine or theology, you’re going to have to up your game.
Slavery is permitted by Scripture.
‘Slaves are property.’ — God
‘Slavery is sinful.’ — Satan
Those who continue to advance the narrative that slavery was or is sinful are creatures of the Enlightenment first, and, at best, Christians as a distant second.
Those who administer a second ‘baptism’ deserve the third.
The ideal amount of separation between people teaching or promoting degenerate sexuality (e.g., homosexuality, transsexuality) and children is infinite.
Employing (earnestly) the abomination that is “Judeo-Christian” betrays the author as imbecilic, mendacious, or malicious.