The selfsame people who tell you that fetuses are not alive, that gender is a choice, and that there is no God are the ones most adamantly pushing the ‘vaccines’.
Choose wisely.
The selfsame people who tell you that fetuses are not alive, that gender is a choice, and that there is no God are the ones most adamantly pushing the ‘vaccines’.
Choose wisely.
The great irony of the common Atheist ‘objection’ to the existence of God (i.e., ‘why bad thing happen’) is that the Atheist is, himself, both the bad thing and the reason it happens.
Our present age is uniquely evil.
To teach that Baptism does not regenerate is to invite millstones.
Penance, insofar as it is seen to atone for or to ‘make good’ sin, is, itself, sin.
Those who deny baptismal regeneration teach the children of God to doubt His promises.
Cursed be anyone who teaches the children of God to doubt His promises.
Baptizatus sum. I have participated in the first resurrection; I will not taste the second death.
Women’s suffrage is a Biblical curse, and being proud of the 19th Amendment is anti-Christian.
The works of false teachers should share in their fate — consignment to fire.