The Jew is the most atrocious, hereditary, and ancient enemy of the Christian name and religion.
Under Christian Nationalism, families will not be separated — the women who have married foreign men will be deported with them.
The American nation is at war with the Jewish nation, and only one will survive this century.
Jewish ownership of the global pornography ‘industry’ is sufficient casus belli against ‘Israel’ for a war of annihilation.
The Jews are enemies, but those who support them are traitors.
St. Simon of Trent is in Paradise.
The Jews that kidnapped, tortured, and murdered him and then drank his blood are in Hell.
A good test for pastors or anyone else on the Right is:
What did he say about the Waukesha Christmas parade attack when it happened?
Any man who got that one wrong is barred from any position of leadership or authority.
The difference between Christians on the one hand and Jews and Muslims on the other is that the Christian will always tell you the truth about his religion, because his God is Truth, whereas the Jew and the Muslim will lie to you, because their god is the father of lies.
Any Nationalist movement must be explicitly Christian — there is no hope of defeating the amassed forces of Satan without God on our side.
If I held the office of President of the United States, I would ban abortion, usury, and pornography, I would eliminate the rampant drug problem, the mental health crisis, and the homelessness epidemic, and I would secure the borders, deport every non-American (including every Jew), and ban false religions.
And yet virtually every ‘pastor’ opposes even the thought of something like this happening. If you are an honest man, then you must necessarily ask yourself:
Whom are these men masquerading as shepherds actually serving? What is their true religion?