Women have a duty to stay physically fit for their husbands.
Men have a duty to stay physically fit for their wives.
‘Israel’ is an anti-Christian terrorist state and virtually anything that is bad for Israel is good for the Church, humanity more generally, and the world at large.
Christians and Jews are eternal enemies.
Those who donate to the State of Israel should be considered enemies of the state, as they are enemies of the people.
Every law banning ‘antisemitism’ is an admission of (many of) the things Jews are actually doing or of which they are guilty.
So, how long do Dispensationalists get to keep claiming that the Second Coming is literally, temporally imminent before we just mock and then ignore them?
The current state of the West is the result of supporting the Jews for a century.
Maybe we should see what happens if we oppose them for the next century.
The German of Luther’s translation (1522/1534) is significantly more comprehensible to a speaker of modern German than is the English of the KJV (1611) to a speaker of modern English.
White Americans have a greater and stronger claim to the overwhelming majority of North America than the Jews have to the land they call “Israel”.