God is His nature.
The nature of God includes (is) beauty, goodness, and truth (what we call attributes).
God is simple.
Beauty, goodness, and truth are ‘interchangeable’/convertible.
Beauty is goodness.
∴ beauty is morally salient.
God is His nature.
The nature of God includes (is) beauty, goodness, and truth (what we call attributes).
God is simple.
Beauty, goodness, and truth are ‘interchangeable’/convertible.
Beauty is goodness.
∴ beauty is morally salient.
Hell is going to have a lot of Dispensationalists.
Paradise is going to have none.
A White man whose daughter dates or marries a black man is unfit to be a church elder.
The very same people who are now openly telling you demonstrable lies about the Israel–Palestine conflict have made it illegal in dozens of countries even to question another (much larger) historical lie — and do note the similarities in the narratives.
I do not hold to so-called ‘replacement theology’, because the Jews were never chosen, so there was nothing to ‘replace’.
Christians (i.e., believers) have always been the true Israel, the Israel of God.
Regardless of which powered flight you believe was first, we, the White race, went from the first powered flight at the turn of the 20th century to the first powered flight on Mars just a bit more than a century later.
We are capable of great things.
Those who are attempting to make “Antisemitism” into a heresy (it is not) are openly declaring that virtually every Church Father was a heretic.
It should not be difficult for Christians to pick sides on this one.
The Jews killed Christ.
A nation with beautiful women is blessed by God;
a nation with ugly women is cursed by Him.
To destroy the former by mixing with the latter is grave sin.
Beauty is morally and ontologically good.