The real test of whether or not a man is pro-life is whether or not he supports capital punishment for abortionists.
That thing the Jews absolutely insist you must believe happened to them?
It almost certainly did not, but they have probably done it to others.
The Church does not hold to Dispensationalism;
Dispensationalists are outside the Church.
Christ Himself actually does comment on slavery.
Further, He returns a runaway slave to her master.
The Jews (and Satan) convinced you that slavery is a sin so that you would constantly blaspheme — every declaration that slavery is a sin is blasphemy against the Lord God.
The best thing to happen for American blacks was their enslavement, for it Christianized them; the worst thing to happen to them was emancipation, for it made most of them pagan again.
May every pastor or teacher who denies the reality of human race meet his end as Arius met his.
Meine Vorfahren waren tapfere Männer, die für den christlichen Glauben kämpften – sei es unter protestantischen Fahnen im Dreißigjährigen Krieg, unter dem Eisernen Kreuz im Ersten Weltkrieg oder unter dem Hakenkreuz im Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Eine lange Geschichte des Leidens für den Glauben ist mein Erbe – ein Segen vom Herrn Gott.
My ancestors were good men who fought for the Christian faith — whether under Protestant banners in the Thirty Years’ War, under the Iron Cross in WWI, or under the Hooked Cross in WWII.
A long history of suffering for the faith is my inheritance — a blessing from the Lord God.
The only war that matters is that between the White, Christian West and Satan and his high priests — the Jews.
Everything else is secondary.