The Jews are cursed by God; those who aid the Jews join in their curse.
The only good thing to come of the establishment of the state of ‘Israel’ is the absolutely irrefutable proof that those who aid the Jews are, far from being blessed by Him, actually cursed by God.
If you are White and your spouse is black, or vice versa, then you will be effectively unrelated to your children.
If one of your parents is White and the other is black, then you are effectively not related to either of your parents.
Every single time ‘Israel’ kills Christians, it is intentional.
The only reason for a woman to live alone is to make bad decisions;
the only reason a man wants women to live alone is to exploit them.
When it comes to earthly governance, race is more important than religion.
The Christian view on the Jews is that they are:
- the killers of the Lord Christ.
- enemies of all mankind.
- of their father the devil.
There is no other Christian view on the subject.
The degree to which a man is a Dispensationalist is the degree to which he is apostate.
If the annihilation of ‘Israel’ entailed a nuclear exchange, it would still be a good trade.