White couples should be given interest-free home loans that are ‘forgiven’ incrementally with the birth of each additional child — twenty percent per child.
Gentlemen, if she has a half-black child, do not even give her a second thought.
She has already destroyed her life — do not let her destroy yours.
It is against my religion — it is against the Christian religion — to support ‘Israel’ in any way, and particularly so to fight for it.
The very same hands that were pierced for you on Calvary were used to form your first father in the Garden.
Marrying outside one’s race is, quite simply, the pursuit of a sinful fetish at the expense of one’s nation, family, and children.
Marrying outside your race is a horrible thing to do to your children.
If false Christians tell you that you cannot consume alcohol, then you order another beer.
If false Christians tell you that you cannot eat meat, then you order a steak.
If false Christians tell you that you must support ‘Israel’…
Judeo-Christian makes precisely as much sense as Satano-Christian.
Most of American ‘Evangelicalism’ is a doomsday cult.
Christianity is not a doomsday cult.
The Jews are cursed by God; those who aid the Jews join in their curse.