God created man and woman.
Satan, and his high priests, the Jews, created the sodomite and the troon.
God created man and woman.
Satan, and his high priests, the Jews, created the sodomite and the troon.
It should probably tell Baptists something that every time the possibility of a Christian prince arises they freak out about being drowned as heretics.
If you deny the existence of race, then you are a Marxist and an enemy of the Church.
As surely as there is a Christian duty to submit to rightful authority, there is similarly a Christian duty to rebel against the wicked magistrate who persecutes the Church and her children.
As the Dispensationalist cult masquerading as Christianity has made of the Jews and ‘Israel’ idols and demanded we honor and worship them, it is, in fact, our duty as Christians to blaspheme them.
At this point, I suspect anyone who speaks of ‘the fishermen’ of having evil intent.
Any tradition that permits monasticism will eventually become infested with demons.
White couples should be given interest-free home loans that are ‘forgiven’ incrementally with the birth of each additional child — twenty percent per child.
Gentlemen, if she has a half-black child, do not even give her a second thought.
She has already destroyed her life — do not let her destroy yours.
It is against my religion — it is against the Christian religion — to support ‘Israel’ in any way, and particularly so to fight for it.