“Whoever slanders his neighbor secretly
I will destroy.”
Capitalism will not survive this century; it will either reach its final form, which is Bolshevism (Judaism), or it will be defeated and destroyed by Nationalism.
You must choose which one you will support.
The Jew is that most atrocious, hereditary, and ancient enemy of the Christian name and religion, of the White European race, and of all that is good and beautiful and true.
Every vile piece of ‘modern art’ that seeks to mock, to subvert, or to destroy the beautiful constitutes casus belli against ‘Israel’, Judaism, and the Jews.
Every advertisement, TV program, or movie that promotes the mongrelization of the White race constitutes casus belli against ‘Israel’, Judaism, and the Jews.
Every White man excluded from the institutions his forefathers built in favor of ‘diversity’ constitutes casus belli against ‘Israel’, Judaism, and the Jews.
Every death from addiction and despair constitutes casus belli against ‘Israel’, Judaism, and the Jews.
Every man shoved aside and forgotten by a culture corrupted by capital interests that care nothing for God or His creatures constitutes casus belli against ‘Israel’, Judaism, and the Jews.
Every woman who wastes her life in the service of corporate overlords instead of raising a family of her own constitutes casus belli against ‘Israel’, Judaism, and the Jews.
Every death of despair caused by the present state of our lands constitutes casus belli against ‘Israel’, Judaism, and the Jews.