AI is a monkey’s paw, and the foolishness of those who push it will not change that fact one iota.
Neopaganism is just Talmudry for marginal Whites.
I say “marginal” because there is nothing less White than worshipping a (seemingly) pleasant lie instead of the Truth.
Gentlemen, the Jews, their controlled Media, and their golems are going to declare any symbol we use as “hateful”, “evil”, and the like; therefore, there is no real incentive to avoid the use of any particular symbol or symbols — our only consideration should be fidelity.
This really should go without saying, but:
Having sex with your wife is not sin — you should, in fact, probably be having more sex with your wife.
The first denomination or tradition to entirely ban women from all seminary campuses can lay claim to actually taking seriously the words of the Lord on the nature and status of women.
If it seems like there is a full-court press with regard to ‘Israel’ — there is. Satan knows that all of his plans with regard to ‘the Jews’ and ‘Israel’ die with the Boomers.
His time is short, and he is desperate.
You can learn everything you need to know about a Baby Boomer with one question:
What color are your grandchildren?
Those who advocate for ‘immigration’ hate women, children, and the elderly, and so I hate those who advocate for immigration.
And, by the grace of God, we will win.
I wish to be abundantly clear about the sides in this conflict:
If we, the Christian Nationalists, should win, then the banking, pornography, and pharmaceutical ‘industries’ will be burned to ash and scattered to the winds.