Look at the back of your hands.
Congratulations — that is your uniform in the conflict that is coming.
You were born with it; you cannot remove it; it can be identified at a distance.
You are your race and you will live — or die — for it.
Look at the back of your hands.
Congratulations — that is your uniform in the conflict that is coming.
You were born with it; you cannot remove it; it can be identified at a distance.
You are your race and you will live — or die — for it.
The Amerindians are not “Native Americans”, because America did not exist until Whites founded and built it.
Further, nations are racial constructs, and the Amerindians are not European, and so can never be American.
Further still, God gave America — this land — to us.
For essentially all purposes, race (Latin) and ethnicity (Greek) are identical terms.
The Africans who remained after the Civil War, who were not deported back to Africa, are a generational curse upon America.
Ireland for the Irish.
France for the French.
Germany for the Germans.
America for the Americans.
Everyone else — out.
For women, even heavy drug use is generally less destructive than promiscuity.
Permitting your wife or daughters to work around blacks is sin.
The Christian position on the Jews is this:
They are enemies of all mankind, displease God, and murdered Christ.
AI is a monkey’s paw, and the foolishness of those who push it will not change that fact one iota.
Neopaganism is just Talmudry for marginal Whites.
I say “marginal” because there is nothing less White than worshipping a (seemingly) pleasant lie instead of the Truth.