Anyone who reads Palamas and does not smell sulfur is no Christian.
There are parts of Scripture that function as bear traps — clearly marked, signs posted and warnings given — for the sinfully inquisitive.
Male circumcision is genital mutilation.
Those who practice is should be severely punished.
Everything against which the National Socialists warned has come to pass.
Everything Liberal Democracy promised has turned to dust and ashes.
Never forget: When you are arguing with a Leftist or a Boomer, you are actually arguing with the TV — and the TV cannot hear you and it does not care.
I would like to think that some of those who deny the reality of race are still Christian, but to square such beliefs with the clear words of Scripture is no small task — if it is even a possible one.
God calls those who do not provide for their relatives (and those who deny race cannot even identify who their relatives are) worse than an unbeliever — they are literally apostates who have denied the faith.
Those who lack the most natural of affections (essentially storge) cannot even conceivably love anything else — their consciences are seared and their hearts are lifeless stone.
It does not seem that even felicitous inconsistency could save such men.
Circumcision — both male and female — should be illegal and punishable as a capital crime.
We rightly condemn (and, in some cases, punish) women who drink alcohol during pregnancy, because of the serious health consequences and the wickedness of the act.
We should condemn White women who date blacks for virtually identical reasons.
Interracial sex is one of Satan’s sacraments.
Soteriology does not destroy ontology.