Consent is not the arbiter of morality.
‘It’s not a religion — it’s a relationship.’
is a denial of the Athanasian Creed.
If the average American knew what the average criminal attorney knows from autopsy and crime reports, deportations would begin tonight.
Raise your daughter well and she will never bring home a black man.
If one of the women in your family starts dating blacks — she is dead to you.
Protect the rest of your family by cutting her out of your life.
Bitcoin is just Beanie Babies with a slightly longer shelf life.
I will not be taking questions.
Neither the Muslim nor even the Bantu would likely have tried to crucify Christ.
The Jew did.
The most hatred-filled thing I could do with regard to my enemies and adversaries would be to feign agreement with them and their false doctrine, dogma, and theology.
Simply put: I do not hate other people enough to be a Capitalist.
Today, there are only two kinds of people who use “Yahweh”:
- The ignorant.
- The malevolent.