Every woman is a reflection of her head. For the daughter, that should be her father and, for the wife, that should be her husband, but many women are, instead, a reflection of the head they have ‘chosen’ in rebellion against their rightful head — in most cases, this is proximately the State, but, ultimately, is always Satan.
Category: Telegram Only
Eine Verfassung ist ein Vertrag. Verträge regeln Unternehmen, nicht Völker. Völker werden von Männer und Blut regiert.
A constitution is a contract; contracts govern business deals, not nations. Nations are governed by men and blood.
A husband who cheats may never do so again; a wife who cheats will always do so again.
Men and women are not psychologically interchangeable, particularly when it comes to sexual matters.
Believing that a passport determines or changes your nationality is no different from a man scribbling ‘I’m a real girl.’ across his birth certificate and believing that changes his sex.
The Roman church has been one of the greatest forces for globalization and the erosion of national cultures and borders for centuries. Those of you who claim to be Nationalists yet still profess loyalty to Rome will have to come to terms with this reality — and soon.
I speak for the White men who are being dispossessed in the civilizations their forefathers built and the lands their forefathers conquered. I have no interest in speaking for anyone else.
If you are a Christian abroad in a hostile land, I will do whatever is within my power to support you where you stand, but, if, instead of remaining in your homeland, you come to my lands and steal from my people, then you are no Christian, but an enemy to be destroyed.
The words “racist” and “racism” no longer have any power. Better find something new.
Men who hide their loyalties (e.g., ‘dual citizens’ in Congress, foreigners or those married to them pushing for ‘immigration’) should be granted treatment legally identical to that bestowed upon pirates and spies.