If you tolerate miscegenation, you’ll tolerate homosexuality; if you tolerate homosexuality, you’ll tolerate pedophilia; if you tolerate pedophilia, …
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The only thing more hateful than the envious Jew is the goy golem who defends him.
God made many of the genes for beauty recessive — we should consider this a test.
“Such a person [who denies the Real Presence] dishonors, abuses, and disgraces the body and blood, like the Jewish people, who by their actions violated Christ’s body and killed Him.”
The good news is not that we shall never taste death, for all the sons of fallen Adam shall die, but, rather, that we, who have participated in the death of Christ in Holy Baptism, shall never taste the second death, not molder in the grave, but be raised to life eternal with Christ our Lord.
“Christ is King.” is the easy confession — even demons can give it.
“The Jews murdered Christ.” is the confession Satan fears.
Three steps to fix 90+% of our problems:
1. Make divorce illegal.
2. Legally recognize sex as marriage.
3. Make adultery a capital offense.
Bend the knee willing or bend the knee unwilling — we do not care which.
Every knee will bow.
If your faith is a private matter, then it is not Christianity.
Christianity is not a private faith.