The greatest minds in sci-fi all missed the true threat of AI. It does not lie in the grand or the grandiose; rather, it lies in the mundane and the easily overlooked. The threat of AI stems primarily from its ability to reduce us to something less than human all while we believe ourselves liberated. This should sound familiar — it is the same thing Satan always promises.
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The future of the sons of Japheth is neither the hostilities nor the divided and separated endeavors of the past; rather, our future is intimately and inextricably connected — divided we have fallen, together we will rise.
Die Zukunft der Söhne Japhets liegt weder in den Feindseligkeiten noch in den geteilten und getrennten Bestrebungen der Vergangenheit; vielmehr ist unsere Zukunft eng und untrennbar miteinander verbunden — geteilt sind wir gefallen, gemeinsam werden wir aufsteigen.
Women are fundamentally unserious. This is beneficial to the operation of the home, but it is disastrous to the operation of the State. Permitting women to involve themselves in politics is national suicide.
Those who look back fondly on high school are typically more well adjusted and better off in life than those who look back on high school with hatred or envy or disdain.
Every woman is a reflection of her head. For the daughter, that should be her father and, for the wife, that should be her husband, but many women are, instead, a reflection of the head they have ‘chosen’ in rebellion against their rightful head — in most cases, this is proximately the State, but, ultimately, is always Satan.
Eine Verfassung ist ein Vertrag. Verträge regeln Unternehmen, nicht Völker. Völker werden von Männer und Blut regiert.
A constitution is a contract; contracts govern business deals, not nations. Nations are governed by men and blood.
A husband who cheats may never do so again; a wife who cheats will always do so again.
Men and women are not psychologically interchangeable, particularly when it comes to sexual matters.
Believing that a passport determines or changes your nationality is no different from a man scribbling ‘I’m a real girl.’ across his birth certificate and believing that changes his sex.