
A simple metric for those having trouble navigating things:

If Stone Choir were a threat to the church, then the overwhelming majority of pastors, teachers, and others would ignore it — just like they do with virtually every threat to the church.

If, on the other hand, Stone Choir is a threat to Satan’s kingdom, then, well, Satan is rather more active in his approach to attacking threats.


There are many questions that are currently sifting the outward churches into wheat and chaff, separating the sheep and the goats, but two of the chief ones are:

  1. Are the Jews chosen?
  2. Is racism a sin?

The sheep will answer “No.” to both of these questions; the goats will answer “Yes.” to at least one.

To the first, the sheep will answer in the negative, because the sheep know that they are chosen by their Shepherd, that they are the true Israel of God, and that they are the ones whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life; some (many) of the goats will answer in the affirmative, because they have been deceived by Satan to believe that God has created two paths to salvation (which Scripture explicitly denies — ‘I am the Way, I am the Truth, I am the Life’), that there are unfulfilled promises to the sons of Jacob (which Scripture, again, explicitly denies — ‘you are today as numerous as the stars’), or any of a number of other, similar, lies. The sheep hear the voice of the Shepherd and believe His words; the goats hear another voice and wander down the broad path. Satan speaks through many mouths on this issue (as he does on most); some of the names will be familiar (e.g., John Nelson Darby, Cyrus Scofield), but the Jews, pastors, et al., who preach and teach this wickedness are legion, for that is Satan’s favorite number.

To the second, the sheep, again, will answer in the negative, because the sheep know that Scripture clearly teaches it was God Who created the races (i.e., nations) of men and Who ‘set their times and boundaries (i.e., borders)’. Not all of the sheep know the specifics of this (e.g., genetics, etymology of the relevant terms), but they hear the voice of their Shepherd when He speaks and they know the truth of the Creation He gave them. The goats, this time almost universally, will answer in the affirmative, because, again, they do not hear the voice of the Good Shepherd, but the voice of their father below, leading them downward, away from Christ. The goats bleat out their affirmations of the spirit and the morality of the age by condemning those ‘sins’ that Satan has declared (through his agents, e.g., Karl Marx, Israel Zangwill, and many others Jews, teachers, and pastors) most egregious, while ignoring those sins that God has declared abominable in His sight. These goats will wink at things like abortion, sodomite ‘marriage’, and dozens of other sins — condemned in the strongest of terms in Scripture —, but turn around and condemn in the harshest terms they can muster — and in the Name of God — the ‘sins’ of their modern religion (e.g., sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, or just ‘being mean’); they do this because they do not hear the voice or the Word of the Good Shepherd, because it is only the sheep who truly hear His voice and believe His Word.

If you would be or remain a sheep instead of being or becoming a goat, then you would do well to mark these two questions and mark even more carefully the answers given by the sheep and the answers given by the goats — the former so that you can repeat them and the latter so that you can condemn and avoid them. These are not trivial or merely ‘political’ questions — these are matters of eternal life and eternal death.

You can answer either or even both of these questions incorrectly and still be saved — for salvation is by grace alone through faith alone —, but the one who persists in believing falsely on these matters will never stop there. Wickedness always progresses, always makes increasing and greater demands. The goat who today calls the Jews ‘chosen’ will tomorrow demand a restoration of Temple sacrifices (as if such a thing were possible); the goat who today condemns ‘racism’ will tomorrow demand the eradication of the White race for the dozens of reasons we all hear daily from the lips of Jews and other demons. There is no neutrality in war.

And do not doubt for a second that this is a spiritual war, which is also a flesh-and-blood war insofar as each side has human soldiers. It may be that this is the final act and God is drawing the play to a close, or it may be that this is what we would term in literature or art a ‘false ending’ — seemingly, but not truly, the end; in the case of God, He does like to work out His plans typologically in time — it may be that this is not the End. It hardly matters one way or the other — you are mortal. The end is always near for you. Work out your salvation in fear and trembling; ignore the lies of the deceiver; and hear the voice of the Good Shepherd — even, or even particularly, when what He is saying conflicts with what the world, the devil, and the flesh are shouting.


Crash course in Critical Theory:

Power/oppressor categories:

White, male, Christian, heterosexual, cisgendered, mentally sound(, wealthy).

Victim/oppressed categories:

The ‘opposite’ of the above.


The more oppressor categories to which one belongs, the more of an ‘oppressor’ one is (actions virtually irrelevant).

The more oppressed categories to which one belongs, the more ‘oppressed’ one is (again, actions don’t matter).


If you are an ‘oppressor’, it is your duty to be silent, to listen to the ‘oppressed’, and to constantly repent (preferably publicly) of your ‘privilege’ — there is no forgiveness.

If you are ‘oppressed’, then you can pretty much do whatever you like (so long as you aren’t being nice to ‘oppressors’).


There is no end goal, no possible resolution, and no forgiveness; there is only constant — and increasingly violent — conflict.


It would seem that, unfortunately, the majority of those who claim the label of ‘Christian’ are illiterate, feces-flinging apes who know nothing about the history, doctrine, dogma, or theology of the faith they profess.

This is an indictment of the pastorate.


Not to be too blunt or graphic, but: A non-trivial chunk of our enemies ‘believe’ the things they do (including denying the existence of God), because they want to continue being ‘free’ to shove random objects in their various holes. We should take these people precisely as seriously as they obviously take themselves.