
I have read the Book of Concord — the statement of the Lutheran faith.

I have read the Thirty-Nine Articles — the statement of the Anglican faith.

I have read the Belgic Confession, the Canons of Dort, the Westminster Confession, and quite a few other similar documents — the statements of the Reformed faith.

I have read no statement of the Eastern Orthodox faith, because no such statement exists.


It tells you all you need to know about the active promotion of miscegenation that our enemies always focus on our advocacy for Whites not marrying outside their race and never focus on our advocacy for other races doing the same.

If the issue were anything other than the desire to see the White race genocided, then the enemies would take note of the fact that we want, e.g., the Chinese to remain Chinese and the Japanese to remain Japanese just as we want the Germans to remain German and the Americans to remain American.


This is, of course, not a reason to look down on women or to do any other such thing; rather, we should recognize that God has made them what they are and that He has done so for our benefit. You should enjoy the unseriousness of your wife, much as you would that of your children or your dog. You should never expect a woman to act like a man, and you should certainly never demand it.


Given the obvious fact that many of the fires in CA (and not just this year) have been deliberately set by ‘immigrants’, we should make clear that any nation found responsible for burning any part of any National Forest or National or State Park in CA will be severely punished.


Historically and traditionally, one of the main points of science fiction has been exploring the interaction of human society and technology, often with an emphasis on what we should not do. Unfortunately, most moderns have taken science fiction as a roadmap for what we should do.