Adolf Hitler is in Paradise; Winston Churchill is in Hell.
The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.
Participation in the death of Christ is one of the highest honors that a Christian may share, and, as Christ destroyed the devil in His death, so Luther was permitted by God to destroy the papacy in his, thus making Luther one of the clearest types of Christ to appear in the pages, although not of Scripture, of history.
No one dies better than the Lutheran, for we have years of the liturgy behind us and the fullness of the promises of God, and Luther himself was certainly no exception.
In his death, Luther, by the grace of God, destroyed the papacy — even though they yet fail to recognize this today. For centuries, all Christians — even Emperors — had feared the supposed power of the pope, and then a German monk defied the entirety of the papacy, lawfully married a nun, raised Christian children, taught the faith over a course of decades, and died a peaceful, Christian death.
All the fury, rage, and malice of the popes could not bring Luther to an untimely or unnatural death. Instead, he died in his native land, secure in his faith and true in his confession. He left behind a legacy few others in the history of the Church could even approach, let alone match.
Certain saints are of such importance to the history of the Church that they receive their own specific designations (‘on top of’ saint); in the case of Martin Luther, this is Teacher of the Church, for he restored the right teaching of the Gospel.
I am thrice over required to speak the truth about the ‘Holocaust’: first, because the 4th Commandment requires of me that I not dishonor my German ancestors; second, because the 8th Commandment requires of me that I not speak falsely of Christian brothers; and, third, because I am required to confess the sins of my American forefathers.
They would not be so concerned with telling you what is ‘actually’ Christian, if they were not so worried about what will happen when you realize they are lying.
If you have ever wondered why Satan waged three world wars against Germany, this is why:
A dozen or so German noblemen and a half-dozen German theologians were all who held the line against Satan and his amassed armies — his empire was toppled by one little word, spoken by immovable men: