A woman’s body properly belongs to her husband.
Category: Comments
Christian Nationalism is not a threat to America;
Christian Nationalism is a threat to the United States.
The total erasure of all ‘student debt’ must be part of the platform of any true Nationalist party.
If there were a ‘holy language’, then God would have used it exclusively when communicating His Holy Word.
God used multiple languages to communicate His Holy Word (including causing translation of the OT from one language to another).
∴ there is no such thing as a holy language.
All schools should be segregated by sex, and otherwise.
Morbid obesity should be illegal.
The only relationship the modern state of ‘Israel’ has to Christianity is one of opposition — they exist in open and notorious hatred of Christ and His sheep.
Dispensationalism does not survive contact with Scripture.
‘Israel’ is our greatest parasite, not our greatest ally.
There were several major genocides in the 20th century — the first, of Slavic Christians by Jewish Bolsheviks; the second, of German Christians by Americans, British, and Russians, at the behest of Jewish Marxists; and the third, of yet more European Christians at the hand of Soviet Jews.