The most Jewish confession of all is the denial of Christ; therefore, the most anti-Jewish — ‘antisemitic’ — confession of all is:
Christ is Lord, God, Savior, and King.
The most Jewish confession of all is the denial of Christ; therefore, the most anti-Jewish — ‘antisemitic’ — confession of all is:
Christ is Lord, God, Savior, and King.
The truth is racial and racist.
Ultimately, our goals are simple: To give men purpose that is greater than the individual, to provide a safe country for our people, and to make the demons fear.
The Germans never intended for everyone to ‘speak German’ – the hegemon who rises from the ashes of the next great conflict will have very different priors.
Die Deutschen hatten nie die Absicht, dass alle ‘Deutsch sprechen’ sollen – der Hegemon, der aus den Trümmern des nächsten großen Kampfes aufsteigt, wird sehr unterschiedliche Grundannahmen haben.
In the end analysis, it is all very simple: I love my people; I hate those who wish to destroy them; and I do not believe any means are morally impermissible in a war of annihilation.
There should be virtually no international trade in perishable goods.
The overwhelming majority of international trade is a blight.
When we finally declare ‘Israel’ an enemy of both America and all mankind, we will simultaneously declare those who have supported ‘Israel’ to be traitors.
The most important word for women to hear is: No.