‘Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world.’
Oh, my sweet summer child.
‘Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world.’
Oh, my sweet summer child.
When you select the murderous ‘son of the father’ instead of the Son of Man and call down a generational curse on yourselves, God listens.
Lex iniusta non lex est.
If you believe I am wrong about anything, it is only because you do not yet realize why I am right.
Supporting the 19th Amendment is, in fact, a greater evil than murder.
Homosexuality is, in fact, a greater evil than murder.
Any oath on or to the Constitution is meaningless.
Those who do not hate also do not love.
‘Fertility’ ‘clinics’ are just abortion ‘clinics’ with better marketing.
Evil men have names and addresses.