Choose you this day whom you will serve:
Whether the gods of your Deist forebears — the Declaration, the Constitution, freedom, and liberty — or the Lord God.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Choose you this day whom you will serve:
Whether the gods of your Deist forebears — the Declaration, the Constitution, freedom, and liberty — or the Lord God.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Every last cent of student loan debt should be ‘forgiven’.
If you oppose this you are an imbecile or a moral monster, and belong in a ditch.
Die Endantwort ist der Mythos.
There is no such thing as a ‘Baptist church’, for the Church is not Baptist; the Church has always baptized — and will always baptize — infants.
If you use grape juice during your ‘communion’ or deny the Sacramental Union, then it is only God’s mercy and patience that preserve you from immediate death for blasphemy.
If your state doesn’t have an equivalent of Prop 13 — better, a stronger version — then expect tax pain in the coming years.
If you are not an environmentalist, then you are also not a conservative.
No Christian has ever prayed at the ’Wailing Wall’.
If you think that Biden is a puppet, but you don’t realize that Trump also was, then you are part of the problem.
Capitalism is the cultic worship of Mammon and Libertarians are the temple prostitutes.