Under Christian Nationalism, actors, actresses, models, et al., will be punished for their participation in the creation of harmful propaganda or degenerate media.
Category: Comments
Obese pastors are disqualified from the office. They should take a sabbatical and lose the weight — or resign in shame.
Anyone who thinks Donald Trump or Kamala Harris is like Adolf Hitler is too stupid to be permitted to play with crayons unsupervised.
Anyone who marries an African thereby renounces his or her nation.
They will all be deported along with their spouses.
The greed of the Capitalist is not better than the avarice of the Jew — we should tolerate neither.
We have no intention of putting sodomites ‘back in the closet’.
No one dies better than Lutherans.
Capitalism destroyed the West, not Communism.
There are too many Africans.
There exists no amount of vengeance that could be brought to bear upon the non-European world that would be disproportionate to the suffering and the harm that they have inflicted upon the West over a course of centuries — our hands are entirely free.