The side that is actually willing to do what needs to be done to protect women and children is the side that will win.
Month: May 2023
It is simple, really: I care about what is good for women; I care very little about what modern women think or say they want.
Hitler was a Christian;
Stalin was a Jew.
Diversity will come to an end — we are fighting over the how.
The father who does not teach his daughter about biology and crime statistics is guilty of murder.
Whatever you people may believe Hitler did to the Jews in the 1940s, what God is going to do to them in eternity is going to be much, much worse.
Hormonal birth control (‘the pill’) is morally equivalent to murder.
The Jews:
1. killed Christ (Acts 5:30),
2. are enemies of all mankind (1 Thessalonians 2:15),
3. called down a curse on themselves and on their children for Christ’s blood (Matthew 27:25), and
4. are of their father the devil (John 8:44).
If the Jews hate Christ — and they do —, then why would you believe their assessment of any other historical figure?
If your grandchildren do not look like your grandparents, then you failed as a father.