Why would anyone choose to use Windows? It’s such a terrible OS.
To preach Marxism — whether Black Lives Matter, Feminism, or something else — from the pulpit is high-handed sin.
In fact (at the very least in the case of Rome) they are less unified than many Protestant groups.
Do not be deceived by the false front of unity presented by the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox churches; they are no more unified than the Protestants they deride.
That which has no explanatory power also has no correspondence with the truth.
Millions of Lutherans — mostly of Germanic or Nordic stock — have died for the Christian faith in the last five centuries — most of them were killed by Roman Catholics.
The correctness of a theory is directly correlated with its power to explain.
A theory without explanatory power is incorrect.
According to its own internal logic, Atheism must advance that there is either no purpose to life or any purpose is entirely indiscernible and indecipherable.
A theory with no explanatory power is unworthy of consideration.
I am a Lutheran because we teach no doctrine I cannot advance without reservation, because nothing in Lutheranism endangers souls. We believe, teach, and confess the entire deposit of truth — with neither addition nor deletion — passed down by the prophets and apostles.
The Eastern Orthodox are not the Church; some, who claim to be Eastern Orthodox, are members of the Church.