Capital punishment is not a matter of (individual) conscience; it is a matter of God’s clear Word. If you are a Christian, you support the death penalty because God has commanded you to do so. You have no say in the matter.
Not only do we, as Lutherans, affirm the death penalty (e.g., Ap XVI), but we further condemn those who oppose it (Ep XII 15, SD XII 21).
Are you Christian?
You support the death penalty.
Are you Lutheran?
You support the death penalty.
That State which declines to wield the sword against evil men is illegitimate.
The death penalty is necessary, righteous, and good.
Normal, functional countries do not routinely joke about civil war.
On this day, five hundred years ago, Martin Luther burned the papal bull “Exsurge Domine” in which Leo X condemned Luther as a heretic and called for the burning of his works.
This act marked Luther’s true break with the apostate Roman pontiff and the birth of the Reformation.
I do not feel that the fact that this life is the closest Christians will come to Hell necessarily entails that the approximation be this close.
There is nothing more pathetic, and with less pathos, than the Atheist.