Accommodating the psychotic delusions of others is not part of safeguarding the ‘weaker brother’.
There can be no reconciliation in the US. We all know how this ends.
I am absolutely disgusted by the weakness of certain Lutheran pastors on social media who, instead of standing for the truth like men, have chosen to chase approbation from the culture like worms.
Alea iacta est.
Trump is not the man for this hour.
Violence is not per se immoral.
Despite the best efforts of Rome, it would appear that some Roman Catholics are actually Christian.
I wonder if Baptists and ‘non-denominational’ Christians don’t recite the Creeds in their services because they don’t like formality and order or because the number of footnotes they have to add makes them uncomfortable.
I love my family, my nation, and my people, my church, my Synod, and the Church; I will never move an inch from this position, and I apologize for nothing.
‘Tolerating’ your neighbor’s false doctrinal beliefs is not love, but indifference — worse even than hating him.