The demons have no flesh; every evil thing in this world involves evil men.
Unless Christians qua Christians are being persecuted, I don’t care about the affairs of other states.
Until the marriage is consummated, all you really have is a roommate and a roommate agreement.
The injudicious comments of some mean very little to me personally — there’s nothing anyone (pastor or otherwise) is going to do to drive me away from Lutheranism; rather, I am concerned for those who are new to the faith or who are just exploring it for the first time.
Better to stand with God and on His Word, and thereby end up first on the chopping block, than to defend the culture, and thereby buy yourself only time.
You pastors who constantly attack those you perceive to be on your political Right will — soon enough — find yourselves with no allies in a hostile world, and though you will not have earned that hostility by speaking the truth, you will yet deserve it.
When the Bible says that Joseph and Mary were married, that means they had sex — that’s part of marriage. Consummation isn’t optional.
Allow me to be blunt: If you’ve never had sex with her, she isn’t your wife.
Admittedly, I am probably not (in debate) the nicest person you will ever meet.
However, I challenge anyone who reads this to find something I’ve said that was factually untrue — bonus points if you find something that I knew was untrue.
To assert that slavery is morally impermissible, evil, or sinful or to deny that slavery is permitted by Scripture is more evil than anything any master has ever done to any slave.