Scripture teaches baptismal regeneration. Demons deny baptismal regeneration.
Pick your side.
Scripture teaches baptismal regeneration. Demons deny baptismal regeneration.
Pick your side.
Neither Dispensationalism nor Zionism has ever taken root in Lutheranism.
(Let the reader understand.)
There are no female pastors, only heretical harlots blaspheming God and inviting His wrath.
If you advance a false doctrine, I am entirely willing to bluntly state that you are teaching a doctrine of demons; were I to do anything less, it would be to imply that I do not take seriously my beliefs or that I hold you in contempt.
I propose a new witch test:
‘Who destroyed the German nation in the world wars: God or Satan?’
Ordnung muss sein.
Never forget: Winning is not the standard for being right and good — sometimes evil wins.
The Left are extremely fortunate that we are shamefully unserious in our opposition to abortion.
Pastors (and others): Stop glorifying Bonhoeffer. He was a traitor who violated, among other things, the 4th and 5th Commandments and his calling as a pastor.
I challenge any of you to find a verse supporting pastors participating in assassination plots.
Never listen to Jews when it comes to Scripture — they know nothing of any value. If they knew anything of value, they’d be Christians instead of Jews.