If you do not start with the presupposition that Satan has plans and that he uses human agents to enact those plans over a course of decades (or even centuries), then you’re never going to understand politics.
The question, in truth, is not whether or not one can be a Nationalist and a Christian, but whether or not one can be a Christian without being a Nationalist.
I deeply regret that this is necessary, but witch test your pastors:
1. What does it mean for wives to submit to their husbands?
2. Is slavery morally permissible?
3. Under present circumstances, should a man send his daughters to college?
We were warned about false teachers (Matthew 24).
As we approach five centuries of one of the most important documents ever produced by the hands of men, those who are attempting to destroy the Lutheran Church would do well to realize we will fight tooth and nail, hammer and tongs to preserve our patrimony.
Credobaptism is an explicit rejection of God’s Word. Credobaptists are saved — if at all — by felicitous inconsistency.
Christians always have and always will baptize infants, *as the Lord commanded*.
Many — most, I pray — Baptists will be saved, but this will be in spite of the demonic teachings they hear from their pulpits and read in their theology texts.
All Millenarians are cultists, but, like Mormons and other cults, there are internal divisions. The average Millenarian is not a Temple Mormon.
So, Baptists, from what precisely do you believe that Baptism saves?
It has been a gradual, but inexorable, decline since the LCMS gave up its explicitly German character.