There exists among men a natural aristocracy; the degree to which the State conforms to this aristocracy is the degree to which such government both is legitimate and will be effective.
Those who agitate for or support the ordination of women should be placed under the lesser ban and told to repent; if they do not repent, they should be publicly asked to recant; if they do not recant, they should be excommunicated.
“Soli Deo Gloria” is a declaration of war against the current world order.
If the ontological argument does not convince you, then you do not understand the ontological argument, and you would be better off holding your tongue.
There are many questions one can ask to ascertain whether or not a Christian is orthodox in his doctrines, but one of the best is:
“Do you support the nation-state of Israel?”
To compromise with evil is to become complicit in it.
Physiognomy is real.
Homelessness should be illegal.
The sentence should be housing and a job.
Go to church tomorrow.
Woman is the weaker vessel.