Iconoclasm is anti-Christian.
Periodic reminder: China still tortures and consumes dogs.
1. There are things that cannot morally be monetized or valued.
2. Capitalism monetizes and values everything.
Capitalism is immoral.
The best part about Capitalism is that, left to its own devices for long enough, it critiques and destroys itself.
From him to whom much has been given will much be required.
If there are no conditions under which you would take up arms to defend the Church, then you are not my brother in Christ.
Men who fear death are unfit for the pastorate.
The theological errors of the papists with regard to the Real Presence are as nothing before those of the Reformed:
The papists ask only that we deny our senses; the Reformed ask that we deny our Lord.
We should all take the present state of the world as an invitation to increased earnestness in prayer.
“Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.”
If this command cannot fit in your philosophical, ethical, or theological system, then you do not worship the God of the Bible.