We have created for ourselves a dystopia the likes of which fiction writers could never have imagined, but that is not the worst of it — tens of millions defend the dystopia, and urge it onward.
Category: Tweets Archive
‘Wrongthink’ podcasters bring more people to God than Twitter pastors who fear giving offense.
The ‘thieves and robbers’ of the Confessions (i.e., what the Book of Concord calls Baptists) does not even begin to cover the reality. Baptist theology is works righteousness from top to bottom. They turn the Sacraments into works; they turn faith into works. Works, works, works.
“[F]or dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”
Upon which verses do you base your doctrine?
Under the weight of a single question, the entire Baptist system comes crashing down:
“Upon which verses do you base your doctrine?”
Gentlemen, never go to secular therapy with your wife — unless you want to waste time and money and end up divorced.
Marriage is the default. Any other teaching is demonic.
I can no more lie about truths in the left-hand kingdom than about those in the right-hand Kingdom, for all truth is one.