Martin Luther was an avowed and open racialist:
“To my dear Germans God has sent me, them will I serve.”
Martin Luther was an avowed and open racialist:
“To my dear Germans God has sent me, them will I serve.”
I neither hide nor deny my loyalties — I display them openly for all the world to see: I am American, first and foremost, by blood and by birth; I am German (and some Scottish), second, by blood; I am Germanic, third; I am European — White —, fourth.
Fifth, I will defend those who have faithfully shed their blood alongside my people (the Japanese).
Sixth, I will never support war against my brothers-in-Christ.
To all others, I owe no duty high enough or strong enough to warrant mention.
There is no path out of this that does not entail rejecting every one of the false gods that brought us to this point — Capitalism, Democracy, Equality, Egalitarianism, Anti-Racism, Anti-Sexism, Zionism.
If Trump ‘acts on antisemitism’ within the first thirty days, consider him an enemy from that point forward. Do not give him another chance after that.
This includes his entire family.
Embracing Fascism is simply embracing America’s true destiny. The fasces has always been one of our symbols. We are destined for greater things.
Anyone voting for ‘immigration’ is voting to see your mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters raped and your fathers, brothers, and sons murdered.
Stop pretending these are ‘political differences’ — start treating them like the enemies they are.
Fascism is a Right-wing, Nationalistic, Authoritarian system that aims to combat Marxism, Communism, and other degeneracy by restoring traditional morality and removing subversive and destructive elements from society. It is not an end state or a goal, but a means to an end: Restoring a godly society with proper order and hierarchy.
There are solutions to every problem we face — and I mean that without exception —, but not all of the solutions are clean, not all of them are pretty, and some of the consequences will be unpleasant.
We still have no choice.
Some time in 20XX: ‘So, pastor, can you point me to the sermons wherein you condemned ‘immigration’, ‘Israel’, the Jews, and the then-ongoing genocide of Whites back in 2025? No? Here’s your shovel.’
With how angry modern ‘Christians’ — and particularly ‘pastors’ — get when you say that Adolf Hitler is in Paradise, you’d think they’re rooting for the other side that wants to see all men in Hell.