
A Christian Nationalist regime will send a formal request to the government of ‘Israel’ to extradite all felons currently residing in ‘Israel’ whose crimes have any nexus with the American nation or its people.

If ‘Israel’ refuses or fails to comply with this request, Tel Aviv will cease to exist.


Satan won the last grand battle in the forever war, and both he and his children are still fighting — seeking to exterminate both the vestiges of Christendom and any hope of her resurrection. Christian men — supposedly Christian men — have largely abandoned the battlefield. Worse yet, Satan has convinced many that it would be wicked to take up the sword and defend Christ’s Kingdom against the amassed forces of Hell.

I do not know which god such men worship, but I know that it cannot be the Lord God, for Scripture tells us that the Lord God is a Man of war (Exodus 15:3) and frequently praises those men who defend the Word of God and His sheep — yes, with the sword when necessary.

In fact, Scripture goes beyond mere praise of the men who do their duty, for it says of those who neglect it:

“Cursed is he who does the work of the Lord with slackness, and cursed is he who keeps back his sword from bloodshed.”


Any Nationalist movement involving Whites — yes, necessarily White Nationalism — is going to be branded as a “Nazi” movement. You cannot avoid this by carefully selecting your talking points or carefully crafting your symbols or carefully avoiding certain terms — Blut und Boden, blood and soil. You can embrace the reality and the necessity and save your people, or you can capitulate in a thousand small ways and be defeated utterly. There is no second place in a war of annihilation.


They need you to think of this symbol as a ‘swastika’ instead of, as the German is properly translated, a hooked cross, because so long as you continue to incorrectly associate it with paganism instead of Christianity, you can be prevented from recognizing the only way out of the morass.


It has only ever been two symbols, representing the only two factions and forever at war with one another. The specific forms they have taken over the centuries have changed here and there, but the core remains the same, for the conflict neither changes nor abates.