I like my Pomeranian. I do not for a second think he would win in a fight with a lion.
To recognize the superiority of my people is not to hate anyone else.
I like my Pomeranian. I do not for a second think he would win in a fight with a lion.
To recognize the superiority of my people is not to hate anyone else.
Cuius regio, eius religio.
So also with political movements.
If you have idols and choose to interact with me, there are only two possible outcomes:
Choose wisely before you comment.
America is a nation.
America is a European nation.
America is a White nation.
Non-Whites are not American.
Non-Whites cannot be American.
Non-Whites present on American soil are guests — at best.
Guests can be told to leave.
Guests that do not leave are trespassers.
We have nothing to discuss with the other side on this issue. This is a war and they are enemies. Give them no quarter.
If someone says he is going to rape your wife and daughter and murder your sons, you don’t discuss it with him.
This is about ‘immigration’.
To any pastors contemplating inserting themselves into the jihad against Stone Choir:
Consider long and hard that God called you, if indeed your call is real, to your congregation and it is for those souls that you will answer. I can promise you: You will gain them and yourself nothing by choosing unwisely.
‘You’re a Nazi!’
Oh, you mean the only political movement in the last century to achieve any actual success in pushing back against Satan and his forces? Thank you for the compliment.
Q: ‘What kind of Christian Nationalist are you?’
A: Blut und Boden.
To every would-be Christian leader out there: You are going to have to pick a side.
You can condemn Stone Choir as wicked (and inevitably reveal your idols in the process) or you can struggle with what we teach and find the truth of it — and we encourage you to subject everything we say to God’s Word and the truth of His Creation.
Love us, hate us — it hardly matters. God has seen fit to let us become the litmus test. You don’t get to avoid us.