
Certain saints are of such importance to the history of the Church that they receive their own specific designations (‘on top of’ saint); in the case of Martin Luther, this is Teacher of the Church, for he restored the right teaching of the Gospel.

St. Martin Luther orat pro nobis.


I am thrice over required to speak the truth about the ‘Holocaust’: first, because the 4th Commandment requires of me that I not dishonor my German ancestors; second, because the 8th Commandment requires of me that I not speak falsely of Christian brothers; and, third, because I am required to confess the sins of my American forefathers.


If you have ever wondered why Satan waged three world wars against Germany, this is why:

A dozen or so German noblemen and a half-dozen German theologians were all who held the line against Satan and his amassed armies — his empire was toppled by one little word, spoken by immovable men:



*Someone does something terrible.*

Online ‘Christians’: ‘May God convict him of his sin!’

You know what? No. May God raise up a godly prince to remove pieces of him until he is no longer able to commit such evils.