The Jews hate — and fear —, above all else and in order, Jesus Christ and Adolf Hitler.
The Jews do not care at all about Odin.

The Jews hate — and fear —, above all else and in order, Jesus Christ and Adolf Hitler.
The Jews do not care at all about Odin.
There is only one animating principle for the Left and they run only one analysis:
‘Is this bad for Whites?’
Everything they do is aimed toward destroying the White race; once you recognize this, everything they do will make sense.
The pagan explanation for Jews taking over the West is that Whites are incompetent rubes who are easily duped and Jews are exceptionally smart and manipulative.
The Christian explanation is that the Jews are merely Satan’s pawns, and he is the one orchestrating things.
Which seems like the pro-White view?
From the cross, Christ made provision for only one person:
His earthly, biological mother.
We are to love our own more than the stranger.
Furthermore, there are only two possible responses from the brother-in-Christ:
In the former case, there is no conflict; in the latter case, I now have no reason whatsoever to give him the canteen.
Freedom, liberty, and license are essentially synonyms (in the political sphere), and they are all Left-wing ‘values’.
The Right-wing answer to all of them is duty.
“Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus.” is a true statement.
Rome simply defines “Ecclesiam” incorrectly.
‘Blacks have been in the US for centuries!’
So have pigs, but that doesn’t make them human.
The ‘marriage’ ceremony is a polite fiction — wives are taken and made.
The wedding takes place in a church; the marriage takes place in a bedroom.
So, yes, feel free to call anyone who levels the accusation of ‘racism’ an apostate — because that is what Scripture calls him.