Generally, Libertarians do not get banned from social media and they are not targets of preference (although they are sometimes targets of opportunity) for the Left.
Take from this what you will.
Generally, Libertarians do not get banned from social media and they are not targets of preference (although they are sometimes targets of opportunity) for the Left.
Take from this what you will.
The evil of women who advocate for abortion is almost unfathomable. God gave to women the ability to bring forth new human life, and with this ability He gave strong desires to cherish, to nurture, and to protect.
To subvert these desires is pure evil.
Changing demography has turned California from reliable red to irretrievable blue; the same is currently happening to Florida and Texas.
These States have the three highest populations in the Union.
Do you really believe your State will survive?
I’m not saying it will solve all of our problems, I’m just saying we should give repealing the 19th Amendment a try.
“Judeo” ⊼ “Christian”
Reminder: Absent a command from God, (male) circumcision is just genital mutilation.
Whether or not you are catechizing your children, know that the world, the flesh, and the devil are ‘catechizing’ them in earnest.
The same holds for any flock entrusted to your care.
Q: Can one be a Christian and a Libertarian?
Bible: Pay your taxes.
Libertarianism: All taxation is theft.
Would you bother to discuss the colors of the sunset with someone who vehemently denies the existence of both the sun and color?
Of course not.
Then why do we (Christians) bother seriously engaging (New) Atheists?
To be a ‘Christian’ Zionist is to worship the modern Jews and modern Israel, which is to say that it is idolatry, a damnable anti-Christian heresy.